Do I need a PetCLUB card to take part in the scheme?

Do I need a PetCLUB card to take part in the scheme?

You do not need a card to be a member of the Jollyes PetCLUB.  Once you have registered in-store or online you will become a member.

Whenever you make an online purchase we will be able to match your email address to your loyalty account so you won't miss out on points.

For in-store purchases we can match your details by one of the following ways:

1) If you download the PetCLUB app from the Android or Apple App stores you will have a unique barcode which can be quickly scanned when you are paying for your shop.

2) Alternatively, our store colleague can search for you on our loyalty system to ensure that your points get allocated to your PetCLUB account.

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